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Maurizio Bufalini is the new general director of TELT

On 31 July 2023, the Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini, on behalf of the Italian government, appointed Maurizio Bufalini as TELT’s new general director.

The appointment was announced today to the company’s President, Daniel Bursaux, and the French Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune.

TELT is the bi-national public promoter established by Italy and France in 2015 with the mission to build and then operate the international section of the new freight and passenger Lyon-Turin railway line.

Maurizio Bufalini, until now Deputy General Director and Director of the Technical Division of TELT, will remain in office until February 2027, completing the six-year mandate given to architect Mario Virano, who recently passed away.

Mr. Bufalini, 60 years old, has a degree in civil engineering from Rome’s La Sapienza University. After being project manager of the Rome-Naples high-speed train, the first high-speed rail line in Italy, which became operational in September 2005, since 2008 he has been Construction Director of LTF, the Italian-French company that completed the preliminary studies for the new Lyon-Turin railway line. During those years, he managed the delicate process of setting up the construction site in Chiomonte, in the Susa Valley, and later, as General Director of LTF, the transition to TELT, the company that coordinates the more than 2,000 people working today in the 10 construction sites operating along 65 km between France and Italy.

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