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TELT is the public binational promoter responsible for the realisation and operation of the cross-border section of the mixed Lyon-Turin freight/passenger railway line. TELT is a French company owned 50% by the French State (via the Ministry for the Ecological Transition) and 50% by the Italian State (via the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane group). It was founded on 23 February 2015, replacing LTF (Lyon Turin Ferroviaire), owned by the operators of the RFF and RFI railway networks, which was responsible for the studies and preliminary works from October 2001 to February 2015.
TELT shares the European goal of achieving a new faster and more efficient transport network in recognition also of the global need to reduce pollution. Aware of the fact that the crossing of the Alps represents a crucial node for commercial exchanges and the mobility of people between European nations, TELT is committed to respecting the international agreements and implementing the infrastructure on schedule and in full respect not only of the highest quality standards, but also of the environment and of all legal requirements.
The top management of TELT consists of the President, appointed by the French State, who represents the Company before the stakeholders, and the Executive Director, chosen by the Italian State, who directs and administers it. Both are members of the Board of Directors, with voting rights, alongside with four members appointed by the French government and four appointed by the Italian one. The post of Board Member has a renewable term of six years and is not remunerated. The European Commission may appoint a representative who sits on the board as a non-voting member. At the moment, the President is Daniel Bursaux and the Executive Director is Maurizio Bufalini.


The French Government holds 50% stake through the Ministry of Economy


The Italian Government holds a 50% stake through the Italian State Railways


The French Government holds 50% stake through the Ministry of Economy


The Italian Government holds a 50% stake through the Italian State Railways


TELT employs 210 professionals, equally divided between Italy and France. TELT’s staff provides its own skills in strategic sectors such as engineering, construction, safety and environment, but also in the legal, financial and communication areas.
50 %
Gender equality
TELT employs the same number of men and women, counting more than one hundred women holding different types of positions within the company.
Quality certifications
TELT has chosen to pursue goals of excellence in every field and in 2017 attained four key certifications from AFNOR: Health and Safety at work (OHSAS 18001), Environment (ISO 14001), Data Security (ISO 27001) and Quality (ISO 9001).
Control levels
The procedures of TELT are handled in such a way as to ensure the separation of functions between deciders and doers, and between doersand checkers. The first three levels of control are internal while the fourth is external and includes: the IGC (InterGovernmental Commission), the railway safety commissions, the States and the European Union.
TELT employs 210 professionals, equally divided between Italy and France. TELT’s staff provides its own skills in strategic sectors such as engineering, construction, safety and environment, but also in the legal, financial and communication areas.
50 %
Gender equality
TELT employs the same number of men and women, counting more than one hundred women holding different types of positions within the company.
Quality certifications
TELT has chosen to pursue goals of excellence in every field and in 2017 attained four key certifications from AFNOR: Health and Safety at work (OHSAS 18001), Environment (ISO 14001), Data Security (ISO 27001) and Quality (ISO 9001).
Livelli di controllo
The procedures of TELT are handled in such a way as to ensure the separation of functions between decidersand doers, and between doersand checkers. The first three levels of control are internal while the fourth is external and includes: the IGC (InterGovernmental Commission), the railway safety commissions, the States and the European Union.
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The control systems

On the basis of the international agreements that define its foundation, The TELT articles of association provide for an independent control system to check the adequacy and efficiency of its activities.  This activity is mainly entrusted to two structures: the “Permanent Inspection Service” (PIS) and the “Contracts Commission” (CC), both with a French presidency of 12 members, six appointed by each government for a renewable term of five years.

The Permanent Inspection Service ensures compliance with the correct use of public funds, the economic, financial and technical efficiency of the Company and in general its proper functioning. On the other hand, the Contracts Commission has the task of controlling all the procedures relating to the awarding of a contract, from the tender to its award.

The company has also adopted a Code of Ethics that commits it to guaranteeing Human Rights, in terms of combatting all forms of discrimination, promoting gender equality, and assuring health and safety in the workplace.


Bâtiment LINKLAB – 455 chemin de la Cassine
73000 Chambéry (France)

Société par Actions Simplifiées
au capital de 1 000 000 d’euros

RCS Chambéry 439 556 952
TVA FR 03439556952

Italy headquarter

Via Torino 166
10093 Collegno (TO)

France headquarter

Bâtiment LINKLAB
455 chemin de la Cassine – CS 20803

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