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TELT has created a function for the safety and health of workers on construction sites, monitoring the application of standards and promoting the use of new technologies. The aim is to spread the culture of safety at every level of society.
TELT has set itself the goal of minimising accidents in the workplace and of creating healthy and comfortable environments for everyone, despite the complex and difficult conditions of working underground.
To pursue these objectives, a dedicated company function has been created that deals with health and safety at work in the construction sites, promoting and monitoring the application of standards and the use of new technologies and disseminating a culture of safety.
To this end, the public promoter has decided to include a rewards system in its calls for tender: only companies that propose innovative solutions for safety in the workplace can obtain the highest scores in the tenders for the construction of the Mont Cenis base tunnel.
The base tunnel guarantees the safety of passengers in the tunnel thanks to a system of underground connections and specially designed stop areas. It has three underground safe sites, designed for the parking of a train in difficulty and directly connected to the exterior via the descent ramps of La Praz, Villarodin-Bourget/Modane and Chiomonte.
Between the two main tubes, there is a third one set aside to shelter passengers if evacuation of the carriages were necessary. About 400 m long (the length of a passenger train), this space is connected to the railway tunnels by link tunnels spaced 50 m apart.
Furthermore, for a distance of 750 m, the railway tunnels are equipped with fire-fighting systems: thermo-sensitive cable, fire mitigation system using water vaporisation, smoke extraction.
TELT is taking part in the Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2020-2022, launched by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). The message is clear: ‘health and safety at work is everyone’s business. Good for you. Good for business’. In this context, collaboration between employers, managers and workers creates a common understanding of the problem and leads to lasting improvements.
The focus of this biennium is on work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs): according to data from the Sixth European Survey on Working Conditions, around three in five workers in the European Union complain of MSDs.