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TELT and Covid-19: health to work sites

Since March, as a result of the upsurge of the pandemic, TELT has arranged all work to ensure maximum health protection for workers and employees, and since November the promoter has activated TVB – Tout va bien in French and Ti voglio bene in Italian (Everything will be all right) – an internal newsletter to update and involve all employees.

The construction sites

In the construction sites, activities have been modified in line with the rules of social distancing, with reduced shifts during peak periods of the pandemic, and all operators have been equipped with masks and personal protective equipment. In particular, during the lockdown period, first in Italy and then in France, the construction sites in France continued their activities, albeit at a slower rhythm, with some stops of a few days necessary to adapt to the new measures to prevent Sars-CoV2 infection.

On the Italian side, the La Maddalena construction site, operational only for maintenance, was limited to emergency interventions throughout the lockdown period and then fully resumed its activities.

On all construction sites, very strict measures have been implemented in agreement with the companies involved to safeguard health and safety, following the guidelines of the authorities in the two countries. In addition to the use of masks and social distancing, dedicated routes have been created for workers, new areas have been equipped with toilets for breaks and meals, and specific briefings are provided before entry to the sites. 

The offices

In TELT’s offices, which have been periodically sanitised, remote working has been activated for all 170 employees, organising tender commissions and videoconference meetings. In addition, thermal scanners (in Italy) and sanitiser dispensers have been installed in the offices, whereas instructions for correct conduct, indication of the capacity of the individual offices and instructions for the use of the various materials and devices are displayed in the premises.

Moreover, all personnel have been given the opportunity to carry out regular serological tests, as well as swab tests in case of at-risk contacts.

A special group has been set up to deal with the various needs of employees, companies and suppliers that uses of a dedicated WhatsApp channel for emergency information. By adopting this approach, work activities, including those of works management and those for tenders, continue regularly and safely, in compliance with the calendar shared with the European Union and with the regulations implemented in Italy and France for the Coronavirus health emergency.

A series of actions have also been implemented to respond to the changes in work organisation as a result of the Covid emergency and to establish a direct and continuous link with TELT’s employees and main contacts, through regular updates. The aim is to inform, involve employees working from home and consolidate team spirit.

During the first lockdown, initiatives were implemented to involve staff, including videos in which professionals, both internal and external to the company, explained the commitment, difficulties and new ways of carrying out their work. For the second phase, the activities have included various actions covering information, training and employee involvement.


Published since mid-November, the newsletter is sent every Thursday to all employees in Italian and French. It is an agile tool, divided into three basic sections: Inside showing news and useful information for employees, Dai Cantieri, providing updates on the weekly progress of work, and TELT radar, which offers suggestions for leisure time, and includes book reviews, recipes, tips on TV series, etc.

TELT Academy

This is a specific training programme held online and interactively about the main topics of the company, such as the purchasing process and sustainability. The first appointment, “Sustainable Development: instructions for use. 10 examples of sustainability you don’t expect”, held by director Manuela Rocca, had a total of 40 participants. Another seminar on the topic of sustainability was “Circular Economy and Major Works, between EU policies and State challenges,” in which the theme of reuse of excavated materials from major works was examined in depth, including within the framework of the EU circular economy action plan. During the meeting, Ms. Silvia Devescovi, Cheffe de projet of “Cycle Terre”, was the external speaker. She discussed the case study of the project concerning the reuse of the excavated material from the Grand Paris sites.

Following this, a number of trainings on the new purchasing procedure were scheduled, specifically for both below and above threshold purchases, in order to respond to the operational needs of the various Directorates. In particular, after a summary of the public procurement code, colleagues from the Procurement Department will explain the details of the new procedures focusing on the various steps and the division of tasks.

However, the topics to be examined in the various appointments will range through all the pertinent fields: in addition to sustainability, procurements and language lessons, there will be meetings on the  communication management, information about the company and how it operates as well as historical topics, such as the 150 years of the historic Fréjus tunnel and the historical collection exhibited by the promoter in its premises.

A Coffee with

In order to encourage the integration of new colleagues and to maintain relations across all TELT, three weekly appointments are held at an imaginary coffee machine, with the Director General and his deputies in Italy and France. Priority has been given to colleagues who arrived after the first lockdown in March. Many topics have emerged in front of the screens and steaming cups of coffee: the experience of working from home, the perception of bi-nationality, the integration with colleagues.


To support remote working, guidelines, rules of conduct, management reports, forms, and lists of activities implemented by the company for employees are provided through a special company channel, along with a list of people to contact for any issue.

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