12 results for 2024 on the Lyon-Turin construction sites
The year ended with 12 good news for the single construction site of the cross-border section, which recorded a volume of works executed of around EUR 1 billion in the period 2024.
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All news, public events and updates on the development of the cross-border section of Lyon-Turin
The year ended with 12 good news for the single construction site of the cross-border section, which recorded a volume of works executed of around EUR 1 billion in the period 2024.
Work is progressing on the railway viaduct over the Arvan, the Chiomonte junction on the A32 and the new San Didero car and truck terminal.
Third place for SMP4 – Saint-Martin-la-Porte recognised as Project of the Year in the €50-500 million category
A Hackathon in collaboration with TELT devoted to tackling climate change in the Susa and Maurienne Valleys.
The public promoter of the Lyon-Turin was present for the first time at the world’s leading event for railway transport.
TELT and its partner companies met in Paris to jointly plan the sustainability of construction sites.
This is the third largest European investment among the 134 selected transport infrastructure projects.
A ministerial delegation was also present during the visit of the base tunnel works in Saint-Julien-Montdenis.
Applications opened during the Connecting Europe Days 2024 in Brussels.
Together with its twin TBM it will cross the border between France and Italy.
Excavations reached a total of 35.5 km, of which 13 of base tunnel.
The contract for the management of excavated materials in Italy was awarded to five companies from Piedmont and one from Switzerland.
The gripper tunneling machine was delivered on Thursday 21 December at the Herrenknecht factory in Germany.
The companies of the UXT consortium, led by Itinera, signed the Sustainability and Security Pacts with TELT.
On 6 October, the group of companies together with TELT were present at the test of the machine at the Herrenknecht factory in Germany.
The contract worth EUR 1 billion was awarded to the binational group of companies composed by Itinera (agent), Spie Batignolles and Ghella.
The Italian government’s decision was announced today by Infrastructure Minister Matteo Salvini
The binational public promoter with the companies on the construction site witnessed the trials of the machine that will excavate the next 9 km beneath Mont Cenis.
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